Data-driven Analysis of Software Lab
Welcome to the Data-driven Analysis of Software (DAS) Lab. DAS is part of the Computer Science and Software Engineering department at Concordia University (one of the top 100 universities under 50 years in the world).
The main objective of the DAS lab is to investigate, develop and deploy data-driven solutions that can help software practitioners improve their software. The DAS lab has specific expertise in the areas of:
- Mining Software Repositories
- Software Data Analytics
- Software Analytics and Quality Prediction
- Technical Debt
- Mobile/Wear Applications and
- Empirical Software Engineering
We also apply state-of-the-art Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and Statistical Analysis techniques in order to build our solutions. Several of the techniques and tools developed by DAS members have been developed in cooperation with and/or being used in some of the world’s largest software companies.
The DAS is recruiting! Apply for open positions here: Master's and PhD.