Mahsa Afzali Arani
I am a software engineering masters student in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Concordia University under the supervision of Dr. Emad Shihab. She received her bachelor’s degree in bio-medical engineering from Azad University, Iran. Her work focuses on analysing data acquired through wearable devices in order to improve human activity recognition (HAR).
Mahsa’s research interests: bio-signal/ image processing, wearable devices, Human Machine Interface (HMI).
- M. S. Afzali Arani, D. E. Costa, and E. Shihab, "Human Activity Recognition: A Comparative Study to Assess the Contribution Level of Accelerometer, ECG, and PPG Signals," in Sensors, 2021
- Concordia Merit Scholarship 2019
- Email: m_fzalia [at] encs [dot] Concordia [dot] ca
- Linkedin: Mahsa Afzali Arani