Musfiqur Rahman(pronounced as MOOSH-FEE-KOOR RAAH-MAAN)
I am a Software Engineering PhD student at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Concordia University, Montreal under Dr. Emad Shihab’s supervision. I am part of the NSERC CREATE SE4AI training program. I obtained a research-based Master degree in Computer Science from the same university in 2018 under the supervision of Dr. Peter Rigby and my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering from East West University, Bangladesh in 2014. My primary research interest is Software Engineering. More specifically, my research focuses on Software Engineering for Artificial Intelligence (SE4AI).
Please check my personal website for replication packages and presentation slides.
- L. Barreto Simedo Pacheco, M. Rahman, F. Rabbi, P. Fathollahzadeh, A. Abdellatif, E. Shihab, T. P. Chen, J. Yang, and Y. Zou, "DVC in Open Source ML-development: The Action and the Reaction," in 2024 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Conference on AI Engineering–Software Engineering for AI (CAIN), 2024
Publications Before Joining DAS
M. F. A. Bhuiyan, M. Rahman, F. Laila, S. T. Ahmed, I. Hussain, "Tools and Techniques Adapted for Teaching Software Engineering Topics Remotely during the COVID-19 Pandemic," In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022.
M. Rahman, P. Rigby, D. Palani, T. Nguyen, "Cleaning StackOverflow for Use in Machine Translation," In Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (ACM/IEEE MSR 2019), May 26 - 27, 2019 IEEE CS Press, 2019.
M. Rahman, D. Palani, P. Rigby, "Natural Software Revisited," In Proceedings of the 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ACM/IEEE ICSE 2019), May 29 - 31, 2019. IEEE CS Press, 2019.
S. Ripon, M. Rahman, J. Ferdous, M. D. Hossain, "Verification of SPL Feature Model by using Bayesian Network," Indian Journal of Science and Technology (Volume 9, Issue 31), August 2016, pp 1-11.
M. Rahman, S. Ripon, "Using Bayesian Networks to Model and Analyze Software Product Line Feature Model," Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Volume 8875), 2014, pp 220-231.
Awards and Honours
- Concordia University Doctoral Fellowship (2022)
- Campaign for Concordia Graduate Award (2016)
- Concordia Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP) Fund (2015)
- East West University Dean's List (2014)
- East West University Merit Scholarship (2011)
- Junior Program Committee for MSR 2024
- Reviewer for Montreal AI Symposium 2022
Lead Instructor
- Data Science Bootcamp (General Assembly)
Teaching Assistant
- Software Architecture and Design I [Fall 2015] (Concordia University)
- Software Engineering and Information Systems Design [Fall 2014] (East West University)
- Computer Networks [Spring 2014] (East West University)
- Artificial Intelligence [Spring 2014, Summer 2014] (East West University)
- Algorithms [Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013] (East West University)
- Data Structures [Spring 2013] (East West University)
- Object Oriented Programming in C++ [Summer 2012] (East West University)
- Structured Programming in C [Summer 2012, Fall 2012] (East West University)
Email: musfiqur [dot] rahman [at] mail [dot] concordia [dot] ca
Data-driven Analysis of Software (DAS) Lab
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Concordia University
ER 11.57
2115 Guy Street
Montreal, QC H3H 2L9