Everton Maldonado
My main research interests are Mining Software Repositories, Software Quality Assurance, and Software Maintenance. My project involves the mining of structured and unstructured data from various data sources, such as source code comments, version control repositories (e.g., Git) and issue trackers. The data was pre-processed, cleaned, triangulated and analyzed to develop novel techniques that help in the detection and management of technical debt..
- E. Maldonado, E. Shihab, and N. Tsantalis, "Using Natural Language Processing to Automatically Detect Self-Admitted Technical Debt," in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2017
- E. Maldonado, R. Abdalkareem, E. Shihab, and A. Serebrenik, "An Empirical Study On the Removal of Self-Admitted Technical Debt," in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME’17), 2017
- Y. Kamei, E. Maldonado, E. Shihab, and N. Ubayashi, "Using Analytics to Quantify Interest of Self-Admitted Technical Debt," in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Technical Debt Analytics (TDA), 2016
- E. Maldonado, and E. Shihab, "Detecting and quantifying different types of self-admitted technical Debt," in Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD'15), 2015
- E. Maldonado, "Identifying Self-Admitted Technical Debt," in , 2016
- Concordia Travel Award ($1,000)
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