Suhaib Mujahid
I am a PhD candidate and research assistant in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Concordia University, Canada, where I work under the supervision of Prof. Emad Shihab at Concordia University.
For updated details about my research please visit
- S. Khatoonabadi, D. E. Costa, S. Mujahid, and E. Shihab, "Understanding the Helpfulness of Stale Bot for Pull-based Development," in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2023
- S. Mujahid, R. Abdalkareem, and E. Shihab, "What are the characteristics of highly-selected packages? A case study on the npm ecosystem," in Journal of Systems and Software, 2023
- X. Chen, R. Abdalkareem, S. Mujahid, E. Shihab, and X. Xia, "Helping or not helping? Why and how trivial packages impact the npm ecosystem," in Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE), 2021
- S. Mujahid, D. E. Costa, R. Abdalkareem, E. Shihab, M. A. Saied, and B. Adams, "Towards using package centrality trend to identify packages in decline," in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Journal, 2021
- D. E. Costa, S. Mujahid, R. Abdalkareem, and E. Shihab, "Breaking Type-Safety in Go: An Empirical Study on the Usage of the unsafe Package," in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2021
- J. Hoyos, R. Abdelkareem, S. Mujahid, E. Shihab, and A. E. Bedoya, "On the Removal of Feature Toggles," in Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2021
- R. Abdalkareem, S. Mujahid, and E. Shihab, "A Machine Learning Approach to Improve the Detection of CI Skip Commits," in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2020
- R. Abdalkareem, V. Oda, S. Mujahid, and E. Shihab, "On the impact of using trivial packages: an empirical case study on npm and PyPI," in Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2020
- R. Abdalkareem, S. Mujahid, E. Shihab, and J. Rilling, "Which Commits Can Be CI Skipped?," in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2019
- S. Mujahid, G. Sierra, R. Abdalkareem, E. Shihab, and W. Shang, "An Empirical Study of Android Wear User Complaints," in Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2018
- J. Latendresse, S. Mujahid, D. E. Costa, and E. Shihab, "Not All Dependencies are Equal: An Empirical Study on Production Dependencies in NPM," in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'22), 2022
- S. Mujahid, R. Abdalkareem, E. Shihab, and S. McIntosh, "Using Others’ Tests to Avoid Breaking Updates," in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'20), 2020
- G. Cabral, L. Minku, E. Shihab, and S. Mujahid, "Class Imbalance Evolution and Verification Latency in Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction," in Proceedings of the 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’19), 2019
- S. Mujahid, R. Abdalkareem, and E. Shihab, "Studying Permission Related Issues in Android Wearable Apps," in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME’18), 2018
- R. Abdalkareem, O. Nourry, S. Wehaibi, S. Mujahid, and E. Shihab, "Why Do Developers Use Trivial Packages? An Empirical Case Study on npm," in Proceedings of the 11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'17), 2017
- S. Mujahid, "Detecting Wearable App Permission Mismatches: A Case Study on Android Wear," in Proceedings of the 11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'17), 2017
- S. Mujahid, G. Sierra, R. Abdalkareem, E. Shihab, and W. Shang, "Examining User Complaints of Wearable Apps: A Case Study on Android Wear," in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, 2017
- S. Mujahid, "Determining and Detecting Permission Issues of Wearable Apps," in , 2017
- Concordia University Accelerator Award 2020.
- F. A. Gerard Prize (Best Master’s Thesis Award) in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science of Concordia University 2019.
- Concordia University Conference and Exposition Award 2018.
- GSA’s Conference Funding Subsidy.
- ACM Student Research Competition Award at ESEC/FSE 2017, Paderborn, Germany.
- ACM SIGSOFT CAPS Award 2017.
- Concordia University International Tuition Award of Excellence 2017.
- Concordia University Conference and Exposition Award 2017.
- Concordia University 25th Anniversary Scholarship 2017.
- Sub-reviewer: The 2019 International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR’19).
- Sub-reviewer: Springer’s Journal of Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) 2018.
- Student Volunteer: The 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’19), Montreal, Canada.
- Student Volunteer: The 2018 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’18), Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Sub-reviewer: The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC’17).
- Student Volunteer: The 11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’17), Paderborn, Germany.
- Email:
- Linkedin: suhaibmujahid
- Github: suhaibmujahid
- Twitter: SuhaibMujahid